Managed Services Provider Customer Story
Tehama becomes an integral part of this MSP’s business continuity plan.
As a managed services provider (MSP), this company has significant responsibility for the data security of its Fortune 500 clients. The potential vulnerability is heightened by the MSP’s reliance on a large global network of independent contractors. Plus, with the onset of the global pandemic, the MSP took on the added risk and difficulty of running its business securely from its employees’ homes.

As its employees moved to work from home, the MSP deployed Tehama's all-in-one remote Desktop as a Service solution. Tehama virtual desktops with built-in security and compliance allowed the business to continue seamlessly and securely while maximizing cost-efficiency. Since Tehama poses none of the risks of virtual private networks (VPNs) or other remote-work tools, it is a solution that can be trusted long after the pandemic ends.

Tehama enabled this MSP to respond instantly to the disruption of Covid-19 by providing:
1. Simplified and secure onboarding
2. Complete end-point protection with no infrastructure to manage
3. Compliance with a real-time audit trail